Diagnosed With Basal Cell Carcinoma On Your Face? 2 Treatment Options A Dermatologist Can Offer

If you have been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on your face, it is extremely important that you get it taken care of quickly. If you do not, the cancer may spread and get beneath your skin. Fortunately, a dermatologist can offer many treatments to help with this problem, two of which are listed below.

Mohs Treatment

Mohs surgery is a technique that a qualified dermatologist can use to remove this type of cancer. It works especially well on the face because more tissue is preserved when compared to other treatments. The doctor will give you a local anesthetic to numb your skin in order to make the treatment more comfortable for you.

Once your skin is numb, the dermatologist will use a special tool to remove the skin cancer. Once finished, the dermatologist will take a small sample of skin around the cancer area and look at it through a microscope to make sure all the cancer is gone.  If the dermatologist still sees cancer, the will remove more skin until it is completely gone.

When the procedure is finished, the dermatologist will close close the area. Because it is on your face, however, they will likely refer you to a plastic surgeon to repair the area to ensure you have minimal scarring.

Curettage and Electrodesiccation

Curettage and electrodesiccation is another type of treatment a dermatologist can use for this type of cancer. The doctor can perform this treatment in their office.

During the procedure, the doctor numbs the area and uses a special tool to scrape the cancer off your skin. If scraping does not get it all, the doctor will use a special light to burn the cancer. When finished, the doctor uses a special device that looks like a needle with a metal tip to dry the tissue. This device uses an electric current, also known as electrodesiccation.

After treatment, your dermatologist will put ointment on the wound and place a dressing over it. How long you have to wear this or how often you have to change the dressing will depend on how large the wound is.

If you are worried about scarring, your dermatologist can refer you to a plastic surgeon after the wound is completely healed.

Talk to your dermatologist about this information, and they can go over it in much more detail. They can suggest to you the best treatment to use for your type of problem.
